Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Many More Colors

Hey faithful readers I'm back from my stitching retreat and have a lot more to show!  The retreat was so much fun!  I really enjoyed meeting all of the ladies and the food was incredible.  The staff was super friendly as well.  I only took a couple of photos but the view was beautiful.


I got a lot of stitching done too since We had to be at breakfast at 8 and usually I'm a late sleeper but once I'm up, I'm up for the day so that's more stitchy hours!

This time I have another 24 colors!  And the lighting was great there so the pictures are better.  Some of the colors were only one stitch so you may not notice a difference but I took a pic anyway.  I also tried having the color I finished on the bottom of the pic so you can see I did.  The mountains are almost finished and will be tomorrow.  I actually have another color in in the ocean but couldn't get a good pic so that will wait until daylight tomorrow and the end :)

Here's the pics!  Last time:

And now:


Lots of pictures but I'm so pleased with how the mountains turned out!  The bright orange spot was the most interesting because each stitch was a different color:

Still quite a bit left but I think I only have like 4% more to do.  Probably less.  I updated my progress bar which now reads 94% done but I'm only counting completed roes of 10.  So all of those stitches in the middle aren't counted.  But I'm really hoping to have a finish by the end of the week.  I'm not doing anything this weekend until I finish it but I've been so tired I haven't stitched much during the week so far.  And rosh hashana dinners don't help since they've taken both nights Sunday and Monday what with driving.  So we will see but I'm feeling confident!

Hopefully I'll see you guys this weekend with a finish!

Thanks again to all of my readers and followers you guys mean a lot to me!

Oops I almost forgot!  Here's an updated pic of Halloween Green!


  1. I'm starting to get excited and it's not even my piece! I know you've been working on it for a long time though. Looks nice where the retreat was. Halloween Green looks great. Smokin' needles!

  2. Fantastic view, both the retreat and your piece! Cheering you on for that sweet finish🤗 Halloween piece is awesome too👍

  3. Love Halloween Green, and looks like you got a lot done on the stitching retreat (i'm a little jealous- peace and quiet with time to stitch!)

  4. Wow great progress on Paradise! Good luck on finishing it up.

  5. Absolutely fantastic progress. Best of luck with getting the finish. Lovely progress on Halloween as well. Glad you enjoyed the retreat.

  6. I can't believe it's almost finished! Looks like the retreat was very successful for you. Such a beautiful place.
    Cheering you on for a big finish!

  7. I can't believe it's almost finished! Looks like the retreat was very successful for you. Such a beautiful place.
    Cheering you on for a big finish!

  8. So close! Wonderful and beautiful project. I too am feeling the lack of stitching time recently. May you have more energy soon.

  9. So close!! Just keep stitching :)
    Beautiful view from the retreat place. Sounds like it was a great success.

  10. Awesome!! So glad you had fun and enjoyed the retreat, plus a ton of stitching accomplished.

  11. Wow, great progress! So looking forward to seeing your finish!

  12. Excellent progress - good luck with the finish, you're SO close. The Halloween piece is looking good as well.

  13. Wonderful! It's exciting to be so close to a finish! Glad you enjoyed the retreat :D

  14. The retreat sounds wonderful. Beautiful pictures. I can't wait to see your finish. The Halloween one looks great too.

  15. Retreats are always fun, glad you enjoyed yours! Paradise is looking great and I hope you are getting lots done on it this week though you may be lost without it once you are finished! LOL Halloween Green looks great too.
